Monday, September 22, 2014

HOPE en el periodico Observer Dispatch (NY)

Sorpresas te dá la vida.Mis amigos,los guionistas norteamericanos Michael Malott y Robert Upton me acaban de enviar estos recortes que salieron hace poco en un diario newyorkino llamado Observer Dispatch,donde sale la imagen de una historieta que trabajamos en conjunto llamado H.O.P.E. Es muy gratificante,porque ellos son escritores y editores independientes,y saber que esas "pilas" que se puso en el proyecto,haya tenido repercusión en los medios,es reconfortante.
Life gives you surprises. My friends, the American writers Michael Malott and Robert Upton just sent me these cuts that came out recently in the New Yorker newspaper: Observer Dispatch, where it leaves the image of a comic that work together named HOPE It is very rewarding because they are freelance writers and editors, and know that "hope" was put into the project has had an impact in the media, is comforting.

1 comment:

RoMa Arts said...

Bien ahi Fer, esta bueno abrir mentes