Nueva ilustra para zona de juegos del diario La Voz del interior.
Estoy a full,pero trabajando en todo para el deleite de las damas,caballeros y niños

Hace aproximadamente 2 años atrás se inició un proyecto que cada vez fue tomando mas forma,y es el de tomar la posta con nuestras publicaciones y que además de proveer a otras editoriales como lo estamos haciendo ahora con Markosia,Yammal contenidos,etc,pudiéramos a su vez manejar nuestras propias publicaciones y personajes.De esta idea surgió el asociarme con otros editores independiente ,puntualmente con Javier Acevedo,mi socio de Puerto Rico.
Plasmamos lo hablado,poniéndolo en practica,muchas,muchas horas de tirar ideas y estrategias,y aquí esta el resultado que pueden ver en este sitio :http://wi-fidigitalpress.com/
Actualmente ya mas abocado a mi rol de editor,he retomado mi sociedad con la empresa y eso esta a la vista y los créditos que figuran en el sitio,donde además iremos añadiendo mas fichas con los artistas(dibujantes,guionistas) que participan de Barricada,Z time,Golden Age,y otro proyectos.
La idea es que pronto podamos publicar 2 de nuestros especiales y algunos títulos a través de Wi-Fi DP,pero ese anuncio ya esta programado para hacerse dentro de poco,no será en mucho tiempo.
Bueno gente,esta es la novedad,la gran novedad para estos grupos,donde ya hay una proyección y un futuro como dije antes,que se ve y augura mejor.
Les saluda su compañero de barricadas.
Fernando Sosa
This unique ability paves the way for a trip through history, starting all the way back to prehistoric man then progressing through such time lines as the medieval era, War World 1, all the way up to modern times with a little of everything else in-between. Reading a chronological retelling of familiar history with a zombie twist made for a never dull experience; Z-Time, has to be one of the most original and fun anthologies I have ever read.
The writing is very high quality, creating an experience that is comparable to viewing a B sci-fi or horror film at the local drive in theatre. Furthermore, when it comes to bridging multiply genres Z-Time truly shines, with so many sub-genres represented beyond the obvious sci-fi / horror hybrid effect created by including the aliens, it truly is mind blowing the talented of those who contributed. All of the included stories are equally enthralling and feature art styles that perfectly capture each of the time-periods, a detail that sold me early on, after I noticed the styles were shifting so fluidly with each era change. Between the tremendous writing and jaw dropping artwork, Z-Time, is necessary purchase.
I highly recommend this graphic novel to any fans of anthologies, horror, or the ever-growing zombie subculture. For those of you looking for some Halloween reading to get into the spirit, I assure you that after you turn the final page of Z-Time, you will be more than ready for a night of ghoulish celebrating.
We’re upping the ante in March and soliciting three books instead of our usual two, and here they are:
Danger Tours
Art: Giuseppe D’Elia Words: Chris Dreier
Cover artist: Giuseppe D’Elia
96 pages Full Color $15.99 / £10.99p
Danger Tours is an action filled sci-fi book for all ages about two friends, JP and Alex, who own a haphazardly run danger touring company. Alex, pilot and mechanic is the rational brains of the operation. His good-hearted, cheapskate, unpredictable partner is JP. JP puts company profits and clientele in a tailspin as the tours go horribly wrong. The tourists “oooh” and “aaahh” their way through, never realizing their lives hang in the balance!
ISBN: 978-1-905692-70-5
The Chili
Written by: Christian Rodríguez and Chris Campanozzi
Art by: Marcelo Salaza Inks: Kal J. Moon Colours/Letters: Nigel Dobbyn
Cover artist: Marcelo Salaza 96 pages Full Color $15.99 / £10.99p
Like many comic book fans, young Mike Alvarez dreams of one day drawing his favorite heroes and working with legends like Stan “The Man” Lee. Those dreams change rapidly when Mike accidentally illustrates the blank pages of a magical compendium, thus transforming him into the mighty Chili! Join Mike, his sidekick Skip and the most bizarre villains you’ve ever encountered, as our unlikely hero fights for all of humanity against the diabolical Taco Bravo! This mix of comedy and action will dare you to ask: Do you believe in comics?
ISBN: 978-1-905692-72-9
Art: Various Words: Various
Edited by Fernando Sosa
Cover artist: Javier Quijano
64 pages Full Color $12.99 / £8.99p
A zombie anthology spanning time and space, with stories from pre-historic Earth, the Roman Empire, World War 1, Future Earth, Aliens and more! Aliens land on planet Earth in our not-too-distant future and find a desolate planet. In order to discover what caused the devastation the aliens enter a museum and are able to look into Earth’s past using the artifacts on display.
ISBN: 978-1-905692-71-2