Friday, September 30, 2011
Superhero tooniverse+ the ape vine(banner)
Banner que me encargaron para fans de los superheroes animados y del planeta de los simios.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Por fin el anuncio!Z time por la editora Markosia
Bueno,que peregrinar con todo esto!idas y vueltas y al fin la recompensa:Z time ya esta dentro del catalogo de comics para formatos digitales de la editorial inglesa Markosia:
Un saludo colegas y compañeros e iremos por mas si uds nos acompañan en futuros especiales.
Fernando Sosa
Fleischer# 2-Bluewater (Diciembre 2011)
Otra aventura del heroe de ciudad Generica acompañado de sus amigos Shatman & Spocky.
Writer: Edward Gross & Leon McKenzie
Pencils: Fernando Sosa & Merbitt
Cover Artist(s): 1 cover: Fernando Sosa & Merbitt
The ultimate struggle between good and evil is waged as….ah, who are we kidding? It's just the further adventures of that oblivious but lovable putz, Fleischer. In his second outing, Fleisch teams up with Shatman and his pint-sized sidekick Spocky as they go up against the evil Cyber-Abe 2.0 and begin to learn the secrets of…Epa!!!!
ArgCop por mi.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Entrevista radial en Eterogenia a Fernando Sosa (on line)
Bueno amigos,al fin pude subir la entrevista que me realizaron los amigos del beso del sapo el jueves 15/09/11 en el marco de la feria del libro y donde hablamos entre otras cosas,de politica,algo de música y mucho comic.Para mis compañeros de Barricada,hay un parrafo aparte dentro de la misma donde me explayo acerca de este grupo que coordino.Espero les guste tanto como a mi.Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"Funny stuff! Plus, anything with a Robot Abraham Lincoln in it gets a thumbs-up from me!" Mark Waid
If Family Guy and Justice League Unlimited had a love child, it would be Fleischer, and this November Bluewater Productions presents the first adventure of Generic City's self-perceived protector. He may mean well, but this fool in a China shop will have to go a long way to convince the hapless population that he's actually here to help.
In his debut issue in November, Fleischer sort of defends Generic City from Cyber-Abe (half Terminator, half Dead President) and a little girl with a bad attitude, aided by the ever-drunk Green Latrine with a guest appearance by Frosty the Snowman.
Beginning life as a comic strip on, Fleischer eventually proved so ridiculous that it was decided he needed to hit the road....which we prefer to interpret as a need for him star in his own comic book. Which has led to Bluewater and the next stage in the blue and red lummox's career.
"Fleischer is truly the dumbest thing I've ever written," offers co-writer Edward Gross, "and the most rewarding. It started off with my wanting to have some fun with Superman - a lifelong passion of mine - and evolved into a character who is equal parts superhero, Monty Python and just plain stupidity. "
Gross brought the idea to friend and co-writer Leon McKenzie, who initially had no idea what to do with the concept, his writing tending to be darker in nature. "But Ed kept repeating his mantra to embrace my inner moron, and I finally did," he laughs. "Kind of scary how easily that happened. But then it all came together and here we are."
Fleischer truly came to life when artist Fernando Sosa (who was joined by Merbitt) agreed to illustrate the script. "I accepted without hesitation," says Sosa. "When I started reading the script, the images came to mind and I could see the whole story as a movie. The script was a lot of fun and in a lot of ways a dream come true for me, because I've been influenced by Wally Wood's Superduperman in MAD magazine and the caricatures of Jack Davis and Wil Eisner. It's also my way of paying homage to the great comic world and a chance to bring back the humor which I think is lacking today in comics."
"We have done really well in the past with our action comedy superhero books, like Atlas and Judo Girl. So bringing this book on was a natural fit for us...and it plain made me laugh out loud". said publisher Darren G. Davis
Prepare yourself. Embrace your inner moron. Fleischer is coming!
*-Extraido del sitio oficial de Bluewater productions:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Salió Barricada #10 pal deleite de la popu.
Si señoras,señores,dama,caballero y niño.Por fin salió una nueva entrega de esta patriada comiquera llamada Barricada.Estamos cercanos a festejar nuestros 4 primeros años como grupo,y queriamos tener para esta fecha una nueva revista.Cabe destacar que pese a no figurar en ningun lado como tal,pero esta revista electronica tiene colaboradores de los mas diversos puntos del planeta y podria decirse que ya trasciende lo netamente sudamericano.Aunque nuestra esencia sigue siendo la misma fuimos un poco los primeros en juntar artistas de toda latinoamerica.Para muestra tienen esta magnifca portada del artista Jose Luis Miranda,de Peru,quien retrato para nosotros la figura del Sr de Sipan.
Esta estrega #10,viene con algunas nuevas secciones,informes,cuentos,relatos,humor,muchas historietas y algunas presentaciones de gente muy afin a nuestra idea de lo que es y significa el 9no arte para este conjuntos de comiqueros y fanaticos de las historias en cuadritos.Salú y que lo disfruten.
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Dias de radio
Muchas gracias a la gente de Beso del sapo,programa radial de Eterogenia(CCEC)que este jueves me ha invitado a participar de su programa.El horario es de 20 a 21 hs.
eterogenia – radio online -
Confirmado, este jueves Fernando Sosa estara con nosotros, de 20 a 21hs en vivo!!!! desde la Feria del Libro Còrdoba 2011 escuchanos por Ra Dio Eterogenia
Monday, September 12, 2011
H.O.P.E,algunas fotos.
Monday, September 05, 2011
Feria del libro Cba 2011(algunas fotos)
Charla y presentacion de las ediciones de humor grafico de Yammal ediciones con al participacion de Pepe Angonoa,Omar Fabaz,Jorge Omar Amado y coordinado por Ariel Yammal.Con el plus de haber conocido finalmente a Pepe y Omar,que con mucha buena onda me firmaron un libro para mi y Lila
Que tul?el padre de la bestia en el stand de Yammal ediciones.Estaba chocho como perro con dos colas.
Groso Ciruelo,su arte es inspirador y hace sentir un orgullo interno porque es nuestro,pero su arte es universal.Tambien es parte de la feria del libro una muestra con 20 de sus trabajos mas representativos.